School of Communication



Adu, A. O., Ismail, N., & Noor, S. M. (2022). Motivators of impulsivity to smoke waterpipe tobacco among Nigerian youth who smoke waterpipe tobacco: the moderating role of social media normalisation of waterpipe tobacco. BMC Public Health22(1), 1-14. [LINK]

Ahmad, J., Joel, U. C., Talabi, F. O., Bibian, O. N., Aiyesimoju, A. B., Adefemi, V. O., & Gever, V. C. (2022). Impact of social media-based intervention in reducing youths’ propensity to engage in drug abuse in Nigeria. Evaluation and program planning94. [LINK]

Akinola, O. A., Omar, B., & Mustapha, L. K. (2022). Corruption in the Limelight: The Relative Influence of Traditional Mainstream and Social Media on Political Trust in Nigeria. International Journal of Communication16, 22. [LINK]

Alhammad, M. M., Tan, C., Alsarhani, N., & Zolkepli, I. A. (2022). What Impacts Backers’ Behavior to Fund Reward-Based Crowdfunding Projects? A Systematic Review Study. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems14(2), 7. [LINK]

Ann, L.J., Noor, S.M. (2022). Using One-Stop E-Commerce Platforms For Baby Product Purchases: Insights On Generation Y In Malaysia. Journal of Content, Community and Communication, 15 (8), pp. 84-99. [LINK]

Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2022). Media and conflict reporting: a content analysis and victims assessment of media coverage of the conflict between Farmers and Herdsmen in Nigeria. Security Journal35(2), 345-366.  [LINK]

Enh, A.M. , Bustami, M.K. , Mustafa, H. , Mokhtar, M.S. , Ashri, N.S.M. The Malaysian Palm Issue in the European Union Press Report [Isu Sawit Malaysia dalam Laporan Akhbar Kesatuan Eropah](2022) Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 38 (1), pp. 118-142. [LINK]

Hossain, A., Wahab, J. A., & Khan, M. S. R. (2022). A Computer-Based Text Analysis of Al Jazeera, BBC, and CNN News Shares on Facebook: Framing Analysis on Covid-19 Issues. Sage Open12(1), 21582440211068497. [LINK]

Ismail, N., Jawhar, J., Yusof, D. M., Ismail, A. I., & Akhtar, R. M. K. (2022). Understanding Malaysian youth’s social media practices and their attitude towards violent extremism. Intellectual Discourse30(1). [LINK]

Mande, M. A., Mustapha, L. K., Omar, B., Mustapha, M. L., & Ahmed, I. S. Y. (2022). Social Media Content Preferences and Political Participation among Nigerian Youths. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 24(1). [LINK]

Mohamad Saleh, M.S., Md Kassim, N., Alhaji Tukur, N. (2022) The influence of sustainable branding and opinion leaders on international students’ intention to study: a case of Universiti Sains Malaysia. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 23 (3), pp. 565-586 [LINK]

Mustafa, H., Mukhiar, S. N. S., Jamaludin, S. S. S., & Mohd Jais, N. (2022). Malaysian generational cohorts in the new media era: historical events and collective memory. Media Asia49(3), 235-256. [LINK]

Nordin, S. M., Zolkepli, I. A., Rizal, A. R. A., Tariq, R., Mannan, S., & Ramayah, T. (2022). Paving the way to paddy food security: A multigroup analysis of agricultural education on Circular Economy Adoption. Journal of Cleaner Production375, 134089. [LINK]

Odoemelam, C. E., & Hasan, N. N. N. (2022). Rising Oil Pollution in Nigerian's Niger-Delta Region: What About Its Framing in the Print Media?. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD)13(1), 1-23. [LINK]

Rahman, N. A. A., & Mukhiar, S. N. S. (2022). Instafamous Social Media Influencers: Understanding their Influence on Purchase Intentions and Loyalty among Malaysian Consumers. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)14(3), 7120-7132. [LINK]

Rahman, N. A. A., Noor, S. M., Balaraman, R. A., Saad, S., Nadiah, S., & Mukhiar, S. (2022). The Role Of Personal Branding For Professional Digital Foot-Print: Facing Employer’s Cybervetting In Recruitment. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)14(3), 6404-6412. [LINK]

Rashid, S., & Mustafa, H. (2022). Corporate reputation antecedents and stakeholder loyalty in Malawi higher education institutions: employees’ and students’ perspectives. Tertiary Education and Management28(1), 101-117. [LINK]

Tariq, R., Zolkepli, I. A., & Ahmad, M. (2022). Political Participation of Young Voters: Tracing Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media and Political Orientations. Social Sciences11(2), 81. [LINK]

Qin, Y., Omar, B., & Musetti, A. (2022). The addiction behavior of short-form video app TikTok: The information quality and system quality perspective. Frontiers in psychology13. [LINK]

Yng, T. K., & Hasan, N. N. N. Human–Wildlife Conflicts And The Impact On Local Communities’support For Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. PARKS, 61. [LINK]


Ahmad, J., Taib, F. M., & Jan, A.(2021). Employment of Ex-Drug Addicts as a Corporate Social Responsibility

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Ahmad, J., Taib, F. M., & Jan, A. (2021). Exploring CSR Initiatives to Cultivate and Nurture Values in Facing Issues
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Akinola, O. A., Omar, B., & Mustapha, L. K. (2021). Salience in the Media and Political Trust in Nigeria: The Mediating
Role of Political Participation. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities29(4). [LINK]

Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2021). Fake news and COVID-19: modelling the predictors of fake news sharing among social
media users. Telematics and Informatics56, 101475. [LINK]

Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2021). The ethical challenges and issues of online journalism practice in Nigeria: What do
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Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2021). Social media affordances and information abundance: Enabling fake news sharing
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Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2021). Television news coverage of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria: Missed opportunities
to promote health due to ownership and politics. SAGE Open11(3), 21582440211032675. [LINK]

Apuke, O. D., & Omar, B. (2021). What drives news sharing behaviour among social media users? A relational
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Briandana, R., Marta, R. F., Azmawati, A. A., & No, J. L. R. (2021). Reflection on the Identity of the Outermost Indonesian
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Gumilar, G., Kuswarno, E., Agustin, H., & Hasan, N. N. N. (2021). Digital communication media: Resources and Distribution
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Mohamad Hafifi Jamri, and Jamilah Ahmad, and Nurzali Ismail, and Darshan Singh, (2021) Keberkesanan media sosial
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Communication, 37 (3). pp. 111-133. ISSN 0128-1496

Mustafa, H., Omar, B., Mukhiar, S. N. S., Park, O., & Zainol, W. W. (2021). Exploring Island Destination Competitiveness
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Mustafa, H., Mukhiar, S. N. S., Jamaludin, S. S. S., & Jais, N. M. (2021). Covid-19 and Collective Memory Among
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Rashid, S. and Mustafa, H. (2021). Antecedents of corporate reputation with employees in higher education
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Saleh, M. S. M., Kasuma, S. A. A., Zuknik, M. H., & Hasan, N. N. N. (2021). Islamic Values in Environmental Communication
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Saleh, M. S. M., Heinrichs, H., & Hasan, N. N. N. (2021). Role of Images in Constructing Public Opinion About
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Saleh, M. S. M., Kassim, N. M., Tukur, N. A., Mukhiar, S. N. S., & Balaraman, R. A. (2021). Sustainable universities as
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Sari, D. K., Ahmad, J., Hergianasari, P., Harnita, P. C., & Wibowo, N. A. (2021). Quantitative Study of the Cyber-Nationalism
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Shahzad, S., & Omar, B. (2021). Social network matters: The influence of online social capital on youth political
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Tariq, M., Shahar, H. K., Baharudin, M. R., Ismail, S. N. S., Manaf, R. A., Salmiah, M. S., ... & Muthiah, S. G. (2021).
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Zainudeen, Z. T., Abd Hamid, I. J., Azizuddin, M. N. A., Bakar, F. F. A., Sany, S., Zolkepli, I. A., & Mangantig, E. (2021).
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